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THE AMPHIIST DOCTRINE: REACHING OUR FULL POTENTIAL - This non-fiction work covers a new kind of NEWS: Natural aristocracy, Emotionally intelligent, Woke, Self-Actualized. Using these criteria, we can realize our full potential. Amphiism is the world's newest philosophy. It teaches us how to consider issues from a variety of stakeholder perspectives. Implemented properly, it has the chance to drastically change our lives for the better. We have far more control over our lives than we popularly suppose. The value that this book adds lies in teaching us how to harness our emotions, and potential nobility of character, so that we can achieve our ultimate goals. 

DREAMS WITHOUT BORDERS – This is a story of teenaged Indian boy Mukul, who is inspired to overcome being poor, and to reach his full potential by not only having a wonderful, supportive family, but also by becoming a successful businessman. He learns about emotional intelligence, and what is meant by a natural aristocrat. He partners with another young Canadian guy who doesn’t have a wonderful, supportive family but wants to be happy through helping another. This tale of two cultures also asks questions about what constitutes the perfect woman for a very successful man.

HE TALKS TO ME, TOO – This is a story of Catherine, who is inspired to control her feeling of worthlessness, and to reach her full potential by leaving the island which threatens to destroy her. It looks at the things that are right about organized religion, and the things that are dangerous. By the end of the story, she has learned to love herself, and how to live a happy, meaningful life in spite of those who discriminate against her. Based on the author’s true story in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

MELISANDE’S LING*RIE CLOSET – This is a story of Hollywood liberal Melisande, who is tricked by the main man in her life into making a conservative film, and as a result, she begins to see people with more nuance than she ever has before. She becomes more moderate in her politics in this celebrity satire, and also begins to see people as a mixture of good and evil.

WOW: WORDS OF WISDOM – WOW includes many positive, uplifting quotations. They are broken down into 4 main areas: spirituality; humour; friendly banter; and, insights. Hopefully, they will make anyone who reads them think about the issues of today–but also have some fun.

MIRROR, MURDER ON THE WALL: IS AGATHA CHRISTIE THE FAIREST OF THEM ALL? – Here are my Top Ten picks for the best Agatha Christie books, at least in my opinion. And I take great pains to explain why, using the textual evidence from her books to show how peerlessly brilliant she was.

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